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Lets go to the mall

Jan 12 2025

Helo! ik dat i didnt post but i was lazy lol. So this story is from yesterday, i was in the mall with Mary and Ewizo and we tried looking for sum clothes. I saw a beautiful studded belt but it waz laik 60 ZŁ?! Yeh i traid 2 buy it but the cashier coudlnt giv me change so i didnt :( also we got ais creem, i got rasberry and they got soft serve. After it we went for other things but eventualy we ended up @ mac but when we finished eating Ewizo had to go, so i was talking with Mary for ~20 minutes. I didn't do any fotos but it was fun, until next taim!!

Im back

Jan 5 2025

I'm back from czechia and i knou dat i didnt post but neocities didn't load so i couldnt writ end i was also busy so i am writing this only now. Okay so first, we didnt go 2 paternoster elevato cus for sum reason it's 18+??? yeh ik its stupid but okay we did other stuff like using much meens of transport laik tram, metro and bus but the metro is so deep. Also i found meny stikerz and der wer so big q's laik u hav to wait ~2 AURS to get 2 sum church lik i expect we're in czechia not vatican. & ther were żabkas(žabka) but thei look much different than 1s in Poland. I think dats it so baii!

1st day of Prague

Jan 2 2025

Helo again, today i FINALLY went 2 Prague in Czechia. We wer driving for laik 8 aurs but it waz worth it. We didnt do much todai exept going to a restaurant for lángos but tomorow wer going 2 the old town so also the town hall wit the paternoster elevator im so eksited!!! Idk wut 2 sai more so until tomorow!(so anticipation)

de viu out my window

New year('s eve)

Dec 31 2024/Jan 1 2025

Haiiii so dat was the last day of 2024. At ~8pm my 2 frends came over 2 my house. We were suposed to mak a drawing contest but they turned on the tv and watched smash or pass, turns out im asexual to anime pepol. Also ther was sup and one of my frends didnt finish it in 2024 so she did in 2025. We partied until laik 3am. That's it, byeee!

The sup before(2024) and after(2025)


So this blog is mostly abt me and what happens in my life, i won't post about every day since not every day is worth this blog. Also expect lolspeak.